52 Weeks


I have three resolutions for this New Year. Only one has anything to do with dogs!

  1. 100 Films Challenge: I used to watch hundreds of films when I was at school and then college. I love cinematography. I get excited about set design and costumes and things like that, it’s all a bit sad, but it’s something I kind of miss doing. So 2010 will be my year of watching as many films as I possibly can. They have to be watched all the way from beginning to end, either on TV, DVD or at the cinema. Bad films, good films, old films or new films. 100 Films by the end of the year.
  2. 50 Book Challenge: I did the 50 Book Challenge in 2007 and failed, unfortunately! I will remedy this by trying again. Same rules as last time for me, with one addendum: ebooks do count. Hopefully the Ruffdogs Book Club will help with this one!
  3. 52 Weeks for Dogs: I started this in 2009, but then gave up because my camera broke. Not ideal for a project based on taking photographs. However, I have no excuse in 2010. In fact, I now have a perfect excuse to actually learn how to use my new camera, and hopefully by the end of the year I’ll know a bit more about what I’m doing. I am also going to stick to the proper rules, and so I have to choose one of the three dogs to document. I think it will be Dylan, but I am dithering!

There will be a notification in the sidebar on undermybed.co.uk indicating which film I’ve just watched, which book I’m currently reading, and what the previous week’s 52WeekforDogs photo was, just in case anyone is interested in following the progress.