52 Weeks


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Theme was URBAN.

This wall is a bit of a cheat, since it’s in the middle of the Yorkshire countryside. I have no idea why it’s there or what it could possibly have been used for, and nobody I’ve ever asked has been able to give me a reason either. There’s half of an archway in the middle (you can see the edge just above Mol) which I assume was a door, but it would have been a door to nowhere as there is a 16ft high bank behind the wall, on which are built some old houses and grow some even older trees. Either way, it’s urban enough for me, and I love how this worked out.

I’m not sure Mol is an urbanite, but I know that wherever she might find herself, she’s happy. It did take me nerves of steel to take this shot though, since we were about 60ft from a marginally busy road and I had to crouch about 40ft away to get the shot. Thankfully Mollie was way more interested in looking in the other direction and thinking about eating the bees that are just resurfacing with the spring weather. (and I’m confident I could have tackled her, although I’m thankful it didn’t come to that. Not sure how the camera would have fared!)