Tell Me Thursday

Tell Me Thursday

I am hoping this will prompt me to blog more regularly. Also, way back in the day, I used to do the “Friday Five” on LiveJournal, which was a lot of fun.

1. What five things can’t you live without?

2. How do you transport your dogs?
In my twee Renault Clio. It’s custom caged out in the back, spanning the boot and the back seats (which are partially but not really removed), and is surprisingly spacious. I love it.

3. What role does obedience play in your training or running of your dog(s)?
Proper obedience doesn’t apart from a fun trick. Basic obedience – like a recall, wait, stay – is essential, I couldn’t work without it. A recall is the one thing I cannot live without, my dogs have to come when called. There is some leeway, the girls do feign deafness occasionally, but never when the cards are down.

4. At what point do you start putting commands on your dogs?
Day one, I think. I don’t know, I haven’t had a puppy in 5 years. See me weeping in the corner now?!

5. Do you talk to strangers in elevators?
Definitely not. Urg. Even getting in lifts with strangers makes me uncomfortable and tense.

(I did actually complete this post Thursday, and then for some reason wordpress decided not to bother posting my scheduled posts. Whatever, WordPress.)