Agility,  Dylan,  Training

Neglecting the Blog

I haven’t posted in forever, oops! Partly because my External Hard Drive died (after 2 months, I hate you Seagate), so I’ve spent lots of time trying to recover all my photos and so on from all over the internet. Partly because we haven’t really done anything new or interesting! I have a training day coming up on October 8th, plus the Rocket Relay seminar mid-Oct, but my next show isn’t until right at the end of the month. Mid-September, very boring.

Training has been running as normal, Dylan’s jumping is still an issue. Some weeks he is very forward and jumping beautifully, and then last week we had lots of unexpected strides. I do feel like his method has changed, and instead of several little strides, he runs forward and if anything, is taking off too close to the jump now. We actually had 2 poles down in one exercise last week, first time ever!

I can’t decide whether this is a positive change or a negative one; it could be that the gridwork we have been doing is paying off and that this is a step in the right direction, or that I’ve confused him completely and he now can’t decide on a take-off-point at all.

I have to admit I feel a little lost at times, everyone I speak to has a different opinion and none of my reading seems to throw up anything like what he’s doing. I don’t want to keep swapping and changing what we do in an attempt to “fix” things, so I think we’ll stick with what we’re doing for a little bit longer and see if we make any progress.