Tell Me Thursday

Tell Me Thursday

1. What movie do you love but are too embarrassed to admit you love it?
I don’t think I have one! I love lots of films and I’m never embarrassed to admit it. Looking at my current collection I think the most embarrassing one there is probably Notting Hill, but that’s only because it’s kind of lonely amongst all the bad early 90’s action movies and Pixar films. It has Sliding Doors for company.

2. Ann wants to know: How far do you drive/travel to attend trials, clinics, lessons? How far is too far?
I am so lucky. Our agility training arena is only 10minutes from my house. Flyball is a little further, around 40mins, but nothing strenuous. I won’t travel further than 2hrs for training, but to be honest, there are a variety of excellent trainers within that distance. Bonus points for UK travel!

3. What is your theme song (circa Ally McBeal)?
I don’t have one! Music is background noise, it’s fun but I don’t really listen to things over and over. I listen to Podcasts more than I listen to music.

4. Laura S wants to know: If you had to choose a new dog activity, one that you had never done before, what would you choose?
I would love to try herding. I would also really love to train obedience, and do canix, and perhaps dabble in a bit of ringcraft. In fact, I’d pretty much love to try anything. I like working with my dogs, we’ll give anything a shot. I just don’t have enough time to fit everything in, so right now it’s agility and flyball.

5. What would your dog choose (or scribe, if you’re Pippin)?
Mollie would pick flyball, every single time. I think Kim would choose something competitive, probably lure coursing or similar, where she can actually race against another dog and then rub it in their face when she wins. Dylan would play frisbee dogs, all day every day.