Tell Me Thursday

Tell Me Thursday

1. What is your favorite Little Debbie snack? If you hate Little Debbie then I bow down to your greatness. (I suppose you can include some other favorite snack. Maybe it’ll inspire me to get over LD for today.)
I … don’t know what Little Debbie is. Damn these North American type questions!

2. What do you use for laundry detergent?
Whatever is on offer?

3. Tighty Whities or Boxers? (this, obviously, is open for interpretation)
Boxers, way more fun.

4. Dogs: On the bed? In the house? On the furniture? Never? What are your rules?
The dogs live in the kitchen most of the time. They are allowed on sofas when they come into the lounge, but only when we’re chilling. If people are eating, they have to stay on the floor. They all sleep in the kitchen, although Kim sometimes sleeps in my room if it’s cold. She has an extremely comfy basket which she prefers to the bed.

5. Favorite dog-related website (aside from my blog, obviously har har har)? Favorite NON-dog related website? Can be blogs, or whatever.
I love reading all the multitude of dog blogs, it’s fun. Non-dog website? I have loads, but I feel safe posting XKCD, because that is sufficiently geeky.