Tell Me Thursday

Tell Me Thursday (12-6)

1. Robin wants to know what your ideal number of dogs is?
I’m not sure! Theoretically three, I think; one pup, one peak, one retired, which is what I have right now. Mollie technically belongs to my mother, but there are four in the house together and I couldn’t do more than that.

2. Lora wants to know if you find that your dogs are better or worse after time off from training?
Kim is always better. She effectively doesn’t train at all now for agility, maybe once every couple of months for 10 minutes. She has always been better for a break though, even when she was 3 or 4yrs. Dylan is much worse, he needs to be constantly training. I have a feeling that Dylan won’t ease into retirement like Kim has, he needs to work otherwise his brain overflows and all the important bits wash away. I’m not sure about Rio yet! She seems to retain things better than Dylan did at this age but that’s not much clue as to how she’ll be in the future.

3. What is your favorite power tool? What power tool do you wish you had?
I don’t use power tools. I am only half joking when I tell people I’d kill myself with them.

4. What did you want to be when you grew up?
I never wanted to be anything. I have always found this a bit weird, everyone always seems to have had ambitions as 7 year olds and I never did. I wishfully wanted to be an author for a while, but I have always known that I’m not a talented enough writer for that!

5. How many of your friends are not “dog people”?
I guess the majority of my friends now are involved with dogs in some way or another. (I did answer this more thoroughly but decided it was getting a little personal, so that will have to do!)