Agility,  Dylan,  Training


Training was … “interesting” this week.

Dylan was totally over the top, completely overexcited and silly. Broke all his waits, pushing all his contacts, just pushing in general on everything that was asked. It sounds really odd when I try and describe it to people as really, he doesn’t sound like he was doing anything out of the ordinary for a collie. But he was not my normal dog!

Anyway, he ended up nipping my friend’s dog which was awful, I’m so furious with myself for not realising how wound up he was and putting him away until he’d calmed down. Thankfully the other dog is fine, just a bit bruised, but Dylan got a proper telling off and although he was apologetic and calmed down, was still pushy and bolshy when I ran him at the end of the session.

Considering how well he’s been working over the past couple of weeks, it’s frustrating to have something new crop up now. Especially because he nailed all his weave entries, all his contacts (although he was pushing all evening) and worked over the equipment fine.

*insert angry face here*