
  • Agility,  Dylan,  Training

    Tunnels & Aframes

    Finally managed to get Dylan up to the club! This was our first Sunday training session of the new year, and Kim worked nicely in the morning on her dogwalk contacts in particular. Dylan and I only worked for 10…

  • Dylan,  Training,  Tricks

    The weather has been so bad over the past few days, here as in the rest of Britain, so I haven’t been training outside. Agility training is a bit hard to do in the hallway, so we’ve just been working…

  • Dylan,  Training

    Dylan's Blog – January

    Dylan has had a very naughty few weeks! He’s getting a lot more boisterous with the girls and is tending to push his luck more often when we’re training. He hasn’t been so naughty as to annoy me (but then…

  • Dylan,  Training

    Dylan's Blog – December

    It’s been a whole week of new experiences for my Dyl this week! The Christmas Tree has gone up, which was very confusing, but he’s been very good with it. I did find a chewed up bauble this morning, which…

  • Dylan,  Training,  Tricks

    Dylan's Blog

    We haven’t really been working on anything new this month, just improving what we already have. Lefts and rights are nailed, and target training is going really well. Plus all the basic obedience seems to have kicked off – finally!…

  • Agility,  Dylan,  Training

    Dylan's Blog

    Tuggy-work is out of the window at the moment, because pup is getting his new teeth through. He tries to tug but just ends up splashing blood everywhere, so we’ve working with ice-cubes and treats right now. Poor lad! Anyway,…

  • Dylan,  Flyball,  Training

    Dylan's Blog

    I’ve decided to start a blog for Dylan. Dylan is a 5 month old Working Sheepdog puppy, my first proper Collie dog and my first dog bought with the intention of doing agility and flyball in the future. That doesn’t…