Agility,  Kim

High Peak Rosette 2003

This is one of the many reasons why I love High Peak, and why I’m sad that I can’t make it this year. (Direct quote from my old Livejournal)

09th August 2005
My excitement knows no bounds.
This morning, a mysteriously fat envelope, of the bubble-wrapped kind, arrived pour moi. Much puzzlement was mine as I went to get the post – from whom was it arriving? The address was handwritten, and therefore it was not from Leeds. The envelope was not A4, and therefore not from the BFA. The postmark revealed it to be from Stockport Cheshire, which momentarily lead me to believe it was from a ghostly figure*. Ignoring the puncture marks from Kim’s daily post attack, I opened it, and then did a small dance of joy whilst wearing a towel**.
It is a huge blue-yellow-green rosette for 9th place (out of 50) in Elementary Jumping, from High Peak DTS. We actually GOT PLACED. In a real competition.
I feel so childish in my small joy but Kim + I have never been placed before. I want to make a hat and put the rosette on it and wear it ALL THE TIME.
* I was watching Most Haunted Live last night, which was being filmed in Stockport, Cheshire. The spirits were perhaps getting their revenge?
** I was about to get dressed after my warm snuggly shower of cleanliness.