Dylan,  Kim,  Training


Still struggling on the jumping front.

The more I watch, the more I find Dylan’s jumping issues somewhat bizarre. We usually have our jumps at training set at a variety of jump heights, so Dylan will work some sequences on Medium and Large over the evening. We also have some jumps at KC Large (26″) and some jumps at BAA Large (24″).

Dylan’s jumping is noticeably worse over 26″. Specifically, his judgement of take-off points is much worse over 26″. I dropped in a stride regulator and his jumping immediately improved, forcing him to come further into the jump made him extend and jump smoothly. I know he can do this, but why doesn’t he?

This may explain why his jumping confidence seems to have been dipping recently. I’ve been alternating between KC and BAA over the past couple of months, and his jumping does seem to have got worse. Over the winter we’re mostly going to be doing KC shows, so maybe that will make a difference. Anyway, if I’m right, his jumping should be off at Ribble, but improve at Lune Valley.

(Sometimes the internet is helpful too! Haku at BrisbeetheWhite is currently learning to jump, and he’s doing a lot of the things that Dylan does. I’m watching with interest to see what Heather tries!)

In the meantime, I decided to try something new and so Dylan and I are trying to learn competitive-style obedience. I have never taught the heelwork to my dogs before so it’s a learning curve for both of us! Dylan naturally does the flicky-paws trot and he loves stuff like this. Kim likes to complain loudly about not being involved, so I’ve been roping her in to practice stays, which she finds very boring. Does keep her quiet though!

Love my Kim.

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