Dylan,  Kim,  Training

Happy Training

Kim was rocking training this week, she was so happy to be back! She’s skipped a few weeks as I’ve had both Jet and Dylan to run, and there just isn’t enough time to let Kim play. But it’s not like Kim is learning anything new at this stage of her agility career, it’s just about proofing what we do have and making it as fun as possible. She ran like a rocket anyway! We did all sorts of complicated pull-thrus and she stayed very chirpy throughout, wrapping her wings beautifully (as she always does!) and racing off.

I’m thinking about maybe getting her a collar to run agility in; Kim has always run naked in agility, because she likes being Naked!Kim, but it makes it hard for me to get a nice running start as I have to restrain her with my hands on her shoulders. I’m not sure if a collar will really make much of a difference, but I might try it at Hare’n’Hounds.

Dylan was also working really well, he’s such a happy, honest boy. He adores Emma and he will actually work for her without coming to check in with me every 5minutes, which I find so cute.

We also did lots of slice jumping though and he wraps beautifully from an extremely angled approach, because it’s not really wrapping. Still having problems teaching him to wrap tightly. I think he understands the concept but can’t work out how to physically do that. It’s a little frustrating because he can turn very sharply on the flat, but he has always been a front-end jumper and so he tends to turn once his back feet have hit the floor. I’m going to have to think on this, I think.

Next week we’re going to be drilling the contacts anyway (especially the Aframe!) so we’ll see what fits.