Agility,  Dylan,  Kim,  Training

HnH Easter Thoughts

Somebody (think it was Julie) said this weekend that Dylan just can’t let go, and that’s exactly it. He is so much better now than even 12 months ago, but even when he’s at his most relaxed and most confident, he’s still not giving 100%.

If Dylan was a person, he’d be an accountant. He’d have a small but cheerful office and only deal with people by email, and probably have a very safe hobby, maybe like indoor rock climbing. He’d look out of his office window and long to go outdoor rock climbing, but he’d never do it because he’d be afraid of falling down a cliff and having to chop his own arm off.

Dylan and I have a lot in common, really.

Speaking of me, I am useless at cueing turns, if this weekend is anything to go by. I was consistently early with both dogs. I think part of the problem with Kim is that she needs a much, much later cue that Dylan anyway, and I found it very hard switching between them. I have no excuse with Dylan, I was just really early and he responded accordingly. We’re working on the cik/cap turns at home and it’s going quite well, I’m attempting to clicker train it as it’s such a specific action. The jump height is between 15-20cm at the moment. If I can do this right it will make a big difference to how we run courses, so I’m optimistic.