Tell Me Thursday

Tell Me Thursday

1. What is the biggest thing that grossed you out over the past week?
This week? I haven’t had much gross out this week, it’s been a fairly boring kind of week. Kim ate some sheep poo this morning and then tried to kiss me, that was fairly icky.

2. What do you feed your dogs?
CSJ. I love the whole raw idea, but it isn’t a feasible option for us (seriously, don’t try and convince me, I have heard and understand all the arguments, but it’s really not possible). CSJ works for us and the dogs, and they’re doing very well on it. Big thumbs up for CSJ!

3. If you could move anywhere where would you live?
I actually love Yorkshire, it’s beautiful, I think right now this is a great place for me to be. On the other hand, I’d love to live out in the wilds somewhere, to drop everything and move into the darkest corner of Alaska or some such spot.

4. What is the funniest thought that occurred to you (or thing that happened to you) this week?
I have had a really boring week.

5. If you couldn’t have your breed of choice what would be next on your list?
Probably a Jack or JRT cross. Mum has a major soft spot for them and I do love me some terrier. The only reason we’ve moved away from a JRT is because of a Kim; two terrier bitches would probably not be the best move. I really like Staffie crosses as well, but again, terrier.

I do sometimes wistfully watch dogs like Scandal or the Darleyfalls dogs run and think how much I’d love a beautiful, fast collie to run in agility, but collies and I just aren’t meant to live with each other at this point in my life.

One Comment

  • Laura Carson

    Yay! Thanks for playing. 🙂 I have a soft spot for terriers, though I lean towards like yorkies and such. No worries about not doing it on Thursday – I leave the link widget open for a few days afterwards so you’re still Ok to link up. 🙂
