Agility,  Dylan,  Training

Dylan is one brave boy!

Finally, we did the seesaw!

I was beginning to think we were never going to get there, but at training yesterday I decided just to go for it. Not my normal approach to things! I like to have the groundwork and be confident that we can achieve what we’re aiming for rather than just taking the plunge and potentially freaking myself and my dog out, but Dylan and I felt like we were working on the same wavelength for once so I just sent him over it before I could start overthinking!

He did it perfectly! Skidded into his 2o2o perfectly and held it before he got the ok to come and play tuggy. I’ve never been so proud!

Obviously with Dylan things are never as straightforward as they seem, because the third time we tried it he lost his balance a bit and kind of fell off the side just as it hit the ground, which meant he wasn’t braced for the bounceback and it caught him on the leg. We had a big play anyway, I need him to stay brave and confident on the seesaw. The next couple were a bit cautious and then we took a break to do some Aframe and jumping exercises, and then we did a few more before calling it a night. The last one was back to being nice, right to the end and riding it down, so I’m very pleased. We can actually run in some agility classes now!

We’re still having a problem with creepy contacts, I tried several of the solutions offered by people last night and none of them worked! Quick releases actually seemed to slow him down. I tried varying my position to the Aframe, increasing and decreasing the amount of noise I made, and winding him up for his approach. He nailed the contact every time but he’s very slow to hit the 2o2o and I don’t have that time to waste in competition, sadly! Emma spent some time watching him and came up with a possible solution for next week, so we’ll have to see if that works!