Agility,  Dylan

Play It By Ear

Dylan’s KC registration has gone through! And this is not the name I wanted!

But hey, what can you do? The name I wanted was “Watch This Space”, but for some bizarre and unexplained reason the Kennel Club does not allow the word “watch” to be included in a dog’s KC name. I’ve always had “Play It By Ear” on my list of maybe-names but I’ve never been thrilled with it, but I also always had the feeling that it was what he’d end up as (Kim’s name wasn’t my first choice either).

It also took 8 days after the actual day he was registered for it to arrive. I know the actual day he was registered because they rang me up and told me I couldn’t have “watch” in a name and to think of a new one, on the spot, ASAP, so they could register him there and then. And cash my cheque, of course.

I complain, but really I’m just pleased he’s finally registered and I don’t have to worry about it anymore.