Agility,  Rio,  Training

Contact Board

I love this puppy, her enthusiasm is infectious. Rio is well named; life is a carnival. She attacks everything with such energy, she makes me feel energetic too. We have no ‘bad’ training sessions, we have too much fun, even if things don’t go exactly to plan.

Leanne & Rio

Her paw is almost healed entirely. If it were any dog but Ri, she’d be out in the wilds again already, but she needs restraining a bit longer. It is healed enough to play some contact board in the garden however, so we did that. She loves her 2o2o, driving into positio, and occasionally throwing herself into position, beautifully. I’ve started adding some speed and the criteria is tightening up; which makes her work harder. Working harder involves even more energy.

Plan this week is to take the contact board on the road. To the park!

Next week, we’re going back to agility, and I’m also hoping to start her flyball chute training. Six months later than planned, but oh well! I’d also like to try and get a private agility session with her next month, I’m happy with how she’s progressing but she needs some one-to-one time. If I can hire our arena I might do that, but we’re hitting my least favourite/most favourite stage of training. I love it because progress! Actual visible progression and development of the foundation skills into real agility skills, but also, scary. This is the stage I get worried about messing up, or failing to convert the awesome foundation skills and enthusiasm.

Looking forward to the training months ahead with trepidation and excitement.