
A Moment from the Archives

“Puppy arrives tomorrow, and he still doesn’t have a name.
‘Flynn’ sounds too much like Kim, and ‘Olli’ sounds too much like Mollie.
My sister has a very loud and active campaign for ‘Theo’ going, and my mum says ‘Indi’ is too girly.”

June 2006

As you can see, Dylan was 5th on the name list. After Flynn, Olli, Theo and Indi (after Indiana Jones, obviously! Dylan has always had ambitions to be an archaeologist, or maybe a geologist. He has a thing with dug-up rocks). Ok, so maybe Theo was never really an option, but Dylan wasn’t either until he got home.

What would you have picked?


  • Lindsay

    Dylan seems to fit him well. Although the name Flynn would’ve been cute too. They sound pretty similar. I like Flynn because I don’t know of any other people or dogs with that name.

  • Cat

    For a second there, I thought you were getting a fourth dog! I do like Flynn, it looks like it’d have suited him. But then, he wouldn’t be Dylan if he wasn’t called Dylan! πŸ˜‰ I’m generally quite possesive of that name because my old dog was called it, but I think it suits him perfectly! πŸ™‚

  • Leanne

    I loved Flynn but it’s too much like Kim, unfortunately!

    He does look like a Dylan now, but he didn’t for a long time. πŸ˜‰

    The next puppy will definitely be a girl!