Agility,  Dylan,  Kim

BAA Finals (Monday)

Kim has always liked to do things in style, and so she came 3rd in the Novice Plus Agility first thing on Monday morning and did a gorgeous running dogwalk contact for me.

Dylan and I had a much better start to the day; Dyl came 4th in Introductory Jumping on a very fast blast course, and unfortunately had a bit of a wide turn which probably cost us a higher placing. But he was running, listening, and unfortunately throwing in extra jump strides all over the place. That’s something he’s been getting much worse with recently and I will post about that seperately.

The Agility was a bit more like your average Grade 3 course, which isn’t a problem for us but I think caught out some of the less experienced dogs/handlers. Anyway, after the fiasco in the Final, I played non-competitive handler for a moment and held all Dylan’s contacts. Apart from that he had a nice run (his dogwalk was reasonably fast!) and somehow we came 1st, which gives him the final progression win to Primary Agility (although when the final League Tables are published, we should be progressing anyway!)

The Introductory Jumping Finals course was again fairly straightforward, with a lovely tunnel twist at the end to catch you out.

Dylan with his trophiesDylan was running 4th again, after Chloe (Working Beardie/Lurcher cross), Riise (WSD) and Ritz (Belgian Terv). All dogs who are very quick! Chloe was E’d, unfortunately, but Riise did a paw-perfect superfast run and we were pretty sure we’d just seen the winner, even after Ritz did a fast clear as well. I knew there were some other fast dogs qualified too who we have run against during the year.

Dyl and I went in and did the best we could, which is all I could ask for really! We lost time on the top straight as Dylan is still stuttering into obstacles and throwing in extra strides, but the rest of the run was as good as we could give. It paid off as we came 3rd behind Riise and Ritz.