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7 Things …

From, of course, Bernadette and the Obay Shelties.

Seven Things you may not know about me:

  1. I hate tomatoes.
  2. I used to ride horses, and the best horse I rode was a chestnut Thoroughbred called Jim.
  3. I live in an attic room.
  4. Although I love my Clio, I hate driving it.
  5. I don’t drink alcohol, but when I do, I still don’t get drunk easily.
  6. I collected the final five Harry Potter books at midnight, and finished them all before dawn the same night.
  7. My first ever competition — flyball — was the day Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire was released. We weren’t supposed to be going but they needed another a Starter dog at the last minute. I’d had about an hour’s sleep beforehand.

Seven things you may not know about my dogs:

  1. Kim sleeps in my room. I carry her up the spiral staircase every night!
  2. Mollie does beautiful heelwork, finishes, retreives and positions on the move. (I did not teach her this).
  3. Dylan is always the first dog into his bed at night, and is always the first one up in the morning.
  4. Kim ran away when we were moving house in 2001, and then got stuck behind a 6-foot fence. She has never run away again.
  5. All three dogs think Alfie the Greyhound is the Best Dog Ever.
  6. Three completely random people asked if Dylan was available to stud during the first 12 months of his life.
  7. Kim knocked over two metal candlesticks as a puppy. She was so traumatised by this event that we had to get rid of the candlesticks because she kept attacking them, and 9 years later she still alert-barks when you blow out candles.