Agility,  Dylan,  Kim,  Mollie

A Mixture of Things

The dogs are all still flying about at flyball, but I’m looking forward to finally getting back to agility this weekend. After a nailbiting couple of weeks, Dylan has qualified for the Agility and Jumping Finals, and I’ve purposely kept Kim out of the Qualifiers to make sure she doesn’t qualify (although there is a chance she might get called up anyway, unfortunately …). I sound like a horrible person trying to make sure that my dog doesn’t qualify, but the Novice has only 15 dogs in the Final, and I can’t concentrate on Dylan if I have to run Kim as well. And Kim might run brilliantly if she did qualify, but she might be tired and bored and not want to play, and it’s not worth taking someone elses’ spot.

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We’ve been having some fun recently exploring some new walks, and August has tumbled away without anyone even noticing. Mollie’s eyesight seems to be getting a little worse; it’s hard to say exactly what makes us think so, since there is nothing specific I can explain. Just a feeling that she can’t see as well as she could. Dylan has had some issues that I’ve posted about before, but I finally feel like we’re getting a handle on this and I’m very pleased with the progress we’ve made so far. It’s really just a patience game now, and I don’t want to go into too much detail in case I jinx it.

Really wishing the flyball points would go up sometime soon, I am hoping Kim had got her FD-Gold, and I’d really like to see if Dylan is anywhere near his FD-Silver. I thought we might get it before the end of the year, but now I’m not so sure.

What a meandering post! It’s the terrible rainy weather getting me down, lets all hope for an Indian Summer.