Tag: flyball
Flyball Homework
Rio’s hits on the box are looking good and she’s ready to move on to turning with a ball in the box (untriggered). Unfortunately she can’t seem to get put the turn and the ball retrieve together. Box = Turn, in Rio’s mind! I seem to have taken a mildly ball obsessed Rio and turned…
My last post apparently ruffled a lot of feathers, which is sort of funny really, since most of the offended parties weren’t the people I was thinking of when writing. Strange how that happens, isn’t it? None of the offended people spoke to me directly either in response. I stand by what I said however.…
Rio Recalls
Rio stepped up to two hurdles this week. You can see what a puppy she still is as she runs, but also what a different kind of movement she has anyway compared to the collies. Border collies (like Dyl) run with a much lower action, head down. Rio will flatten off as she matures and…
The Team
Felt a little bit like I had my own personal team of flyball dogs this week at Thursday training. Kim and Mollie are both back to competition next weekend in Starters with another of our older but experienced dogs, Lucy, and two of our proper Starter dogs. Mollie was so excited to be back, she…
Swallownest May 2012
We stuck with our original lineup for Dylan’s team and it worked well, we were running more consistent times but not nearly as fast as I would like. Chip and Dylan were running just over 10s as a pair pretty much all day, which I was pleased about as a consolation. They’re running over 14″,…
Drax May Bank Holiday #1
We did not have a very successful day at Drax. Mollie’s team chose to go NFC rather than withdraw after super height dog Bails got injured this week. Unfortunately this is a problem with a team consisting primarily of Veteran dogs; if any one of them gets injured, then the whole team struggles. Obviously with…
April Showers
Nothing but rain at the moment. I wanted to take the dogs out to Digley for a good walk today but I can’t face getting soaked yet again, so they’re having to make do with a chew instead. Despite the weather, flyball training was relatively mud-free! Dylan was excellent, I’ve been making an effort to…
Pre-Drax Flyball Training
Mollie came back from her walk on Thursday looking a little bit lame, nothing drastically unusual as Mollie has no body awareness or respect for things like walls, trees, solid banks of earth, so she does occasionally come back a little stiff from her walks. Unfortunately, one recall and one run at flyball training this…
Muddy Puppies
Hate this time of year, our flyball training field isn’t bad for draining but there is only so much time for water to go away! The mud is awful, lots of bathed dogs and very short sessions. Dylan hasn’t flyballed since the beginning of December, so we were a little out of practice. Got some…