Category: Mollie

  • Mollie: Loss and Memory

    I took a long time to write this post. I couldn’t get the tone right, and I’m still not sure if I have. The usual expression when we lose a pet is to make some vague allusion to the Rainbow Bridge. This makes me uncomfortable, just as it does when people mention God in relation…

  • Odd Little Muffins

    Both the younger dogs are still settling into their post-Mollie lives. Dylan is not his usual self. We’ve had a bout of sulking brought on Thursday evening, when we took Kim and Rio to Rally and Dylan got left home alone for two hours. He’s taken a few days to come around from that. Rio…

  • Change

    We’re beginning to settle into routines that don’t involve Mol. The big changes seem quite natural, it’s the little things that remind us of her; Rio laying in the doorway where Mollie usually laid, not having to shove her off the sofa when you sit down, not hearing her bark first when you come home.…

  • A Short Passage of Time

    Life without Mollie can never possibly be the same as life with her. How could it? Everything is very quiet and unforgiving. Kim has nobody to snark at any more. (Kim doesn’t care at all, and I am grateful for that in so many ways.) Mol never did anything at less than 100%, and I…

  • My Mol

    MOLLIE June 1999 – February 2013

  • Group Photos

    Group photos are hard, and not just because getting everyone sat facing the right direction is always tough. I have very white dogs and very black dogs, and so getting the white balance is hard, and the height differences is always a challenge. It started so well, and we moved on, and then I realised…

  • January

    Mollie hasn’t been very well, which has been why I’ve already broken my annual resolution of blogging more often. She started acting a little bit off just before Christmas, and by the day after Boxing Day we were worried enough to take her to the vets. She feels very ribby and skinny, but when we…

  • 2012 Review

    I didn’t have any goals for 2012, but it was an interesting year. It was not a subtle year, or a kind year, or a gentle year. I want a lot of things for 2013, but I hope they all come about in a softer way. I still don’t feel comfortable setting goals with Dylan,…

  • Mollie + Rally

    I sort of forgot to post and say that in a moment of madness, I started taking Mollie to Rally classes. My original plan was to take Rio, but I’m still waiting for her to come into season (as well as now worrying in case she had a silent heat or something to confuse me)…

  • Time Flies

    Where has the time gone since my last blog post?! I am very happy to report Rio’s target training is now rolling along at a good pace. I took it back to basics and we did some shaping, and she’s now double-front-paw hitting from any position. I’m not comfortable asking her for wall-turns, I don’t…