Flyball,  Website Updates

New Layout

New layout! Hopefully this explains why the site was down all day Monday. I loved my green layout but I wanted to try a different colour and some new techniques for the pages. I know it doesn’t quite work in Internet Explorer, I’m still working on it, but as IE tends to render code totally differently to every other browser I might be fighting a losing battle. Everyone should just use Firefox instead!

Anyway, Leeds ‘Owlers had a fab weekend at the Summer Champs! Barney’s came home as Div 4 Champs and Marsh came a very respectable 4th. I’m loving hearing about everything but it’s a bit tough to listen to sometimes, I’m so disappointed we couldn’t go and it sounds like we really missed out on a great weekend with some fab racing. I’m trying not to wallow in self-pity and be miserable but it’s a bit hard at the moment!


  • Saint Lover

    OOH I hate IE – what a pita! Hopefully you will get it all worked out.

    Congrats to the Owlers!!!! I wish you had been able to compete with everyone. It really sucks! Hopefully everyone will be healthy for next year’s festivities.

  • Emily

    Love the new layout, am on Firefox and it’s looking super! I got excited when I saw you were down as I knew it would mean a new layout haha! xx

  • Ems

    Wow i LOVE the banner!!

    Gosh just had quite a few posts to read while i was away heheheh, can always count on you to post some interesting posts dearie. Keep them coming, they make me laugh 😉

  • Cat

    Looove the colours! I envy you quite a lot for this as I’ve tried this kind of blue and never been able to get it to work!
