Agility,  Dylan,  Kim

Agility Training/BAA Promotion

The BAA Promotion requirements have changed slightly and Dylan is no longer up for automatic promotion, so he can stay in Introductory for another year! This is very good news, especially considering how naughty he was at training yesterday. We have a lot of work to do before he’s going to be ready for Primary courses and competition.

I am filling in Kim’s application for Promotion from Primary Agility to Novice though. It’s quite hard as I’ve not done this before and I have to detail why I’m requesting promotion. My reasons are currently thus: Kim has always preferred more challenging courses and I think she’ll get that at Novice. And I’m really not just saying that because I prefer more challenging courses; watch Kim on a Helter Skelter or a repetitive style course and she gets slower as we go along and starts questionning where we should be going. I don’t think there is any benefit to her staying in Primary Agility. I’ve also briefly explained why we don’t have as many agility points as we should have for promotion. There are a couple of reasons; partially because we missed a lot of shows this year due to flyball, or because they were too far away. We also missed some shows due to the dreaded Kennel Cough! And then Kim had her back injury from February to May, which is really reflected in the results we got during that time. She threw up a few good jumping places but nothing from agility.

Very pleased Dylan is staying down though. Especially as he’s now Grade 3, thankfully we’ll have the BAA shows to work on building his confidence and his speed up in Intro.