Agility,  Dylan,  Kim

EMDAC (Official Results)

The official EMDAC results have gone up, along with the League Table updates.

Kim has a lovely big fat E next her name in everything, and so unsurprisingly has dropped in her League Table placings. More surprising is that she’s hasn’t dropped very far; to 3rd rather than 2nd in the DOTY, and from 8th to 11th/17th in the Agility/Jumping.

Dylan came 10th in the Jumping (Maxi) and 14th overall, he finished in 25.28, and the winner in 19.29. So the question is … did we waste 5 seconds with our loop around? Well, I’m guessing we wasted around 4 seconds, which would have put us 3rd-ish (sadly I did sit with WMM and try and work that out, even though I know speculation is pointless). Massive well done to Julie with Gertie, who won the Medium Intro Jumping and did actually get placed 3rd overall … what a star with the little diva at her first “grown-up” show!

Anyway, crazily this puts us 1st in the Intro Maxi DOTY League. Because I’m a bad owner, I burst out laughing when I saw the Leagues get updated, because Dylan is my naughty baby dog! I mean, just look at the photo on the left. Does that dog look intelligent? (Yes, he is sat in a stacked tunnel at the side of the ring, and he got in of his own free will. He’s an idiot, what can I say …)

He’s not really a naughty dog, he’s such a good boy, but we have so much room for improvement and I know I’m not getting the best out of him at the moment. We didn’t have a perfect run all weekend, and we only got some of the placings we did because I’ve been training him for Grade 3 courses which meant he could deal with the pull-thrus etc that came up on some of the Intro courses. Crazy crazy … anyway, he won’t stay there because Beach Side is next weekend and I’m not there so somebody will knock him off the top spot. Still, it’s nice to be there for the time being! He’s also 3rd in the Jumping League and =9th in the Agility.

I keep going back to look at the Intro Maxi DOTY League, it makes me very happy. And gives me the giggles.

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