Agility,  Dylan,  Training

Agility Training

Dylan was a good boy at training this week. I sometimes feel like we’re working on things and we’re making very little progress, but then sometimes it’s like everything clicks and it all makes sense and works. That’s always a good day!

He did a beautiful steady-up for a wing wrap, and then nailed a really tough weave entry with no questions for either of us. He also worked really hard to stay on his contacts, and I was able to layer in obstacles between us when he was working his Aframe. He broke once, but only took a step before he realised what he’d done, and – even better – happily bounced back to fix it.

Having said all that, there are still things we need to work on!

My current list is as follows:

Pull-thrus (and related) Wing Wraps
Contacts (must proof more whilst maintaining speed and enthusiasm)
Encouraging drive and speed and confidence, always!

He does make me laugh though; he can tell when he’s done something especially good, and he trots around with his toy looking so smug and pleased with himself. It’s super funny and super cute since Dylan doesn’t normally act so full of himself. More please!


  • Lindsay

    We just do agility for fun not to compete (yet). We need to work on our distance. My dog is really fast and I am always running just to keep ahead of him.

  • Leanne

    Dylan always runs much faster than me, but he doesn’t run as fast as he can, so that’s not good enough! 😉 Thankfully I did lots of distance work when he was a puppy, it seems to have paid off.

    I’m sure you’ll be competing in no time – once it all clicks into place, it’s amazing how fast you can jump forward!