Agility,  Training

Confession: I can't do Pull Throughs

There is a guilty confession I feel I should make, and save my dogs the confusion and embarassment they must often feel, mid-course.

I can’t do pull throughs.

I can do a single wing wrap pull, and I think I can do it reasonably well. But ask me to do a PT on a line of jumps and I fall to peices. I can manage one, but it always feels uncomfortable and messy. I can’t manage two.

I have managed to get away with hiding this dark secret by being really quite good at push-outs. Hopefully that’s not just a brag! I understand push outs; I understand how to train them and how to execute them so that they work for us. If a course includes a PT, I will spend at least 5minutes trying to figure out if it’s possible to do the PT as a PO, and if it is, (even if it includes a bit – or a lot – of extra effort for me) I will do it.

Having finally admitted my shameful secret, I’ve spent the last few weeks doing lots and lots of pull-thrus. Thankfully I have a very patient dog in Dylan, and he will keep trying things until I get it right. On the other hand, I still don’t think I’m doing it right. I don’t know where my arms should be. I don’t know which direction my upper body should be facing, or which direction my lower body should be facing, and I’m not sure how to control the two seperately without falling over. I certainly don’t know how to cue it consistently and clearly.

So, can anyone tell me how they do it? Please?

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