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Agility Eye

agility eye cover

To the readers of the agility magazine “Agility Eye” (, you may be interested to note that this month’s issue features a cover designed and made by yours truly. For those of you who don’t subscribe, the original version is there on the left. Sadly it doesn’t feature any of my own dogs because at the time it was made I didn’t have a camera suitable for taking any agility photos, but I am thrilled that Chris and the rest of the staff used my design.

Kim had a fab day yesterday, she met up with one her oldest doggy pals Sam. Kim and Sam have been friends since Kim was a tiny wee pup, but they haven’t seen each other for 3 or 4 years, so it was a real reunion; they had their own little sleepover downstairs! We also took them for a lovely walk around Digley Reservoir. Digley is a really nice spot, I haven’t had the chance to go for ages and it was perfect weather yesterday. Unfortunately it does mean that the collies are feeling a bit neglected so I’ll take them out on our normal walk this afternoon, when it’s a bit cooler. I can’t believe how hot it is today!

Website Changes: Refreshed the qbee page, and the photography pages.

One Comment

  • Leanne

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer pulvinar feugiat ante. Integer sollicitudin, tellus et ullamcorper mattis, magna felis blandit nulla, a rutrum leo risus sit amet nulla. Vivamus leo. Morbi in magna. Praesent hendrerit ullamcorper massa. Phasellus porttitor, ante eget tempus pulvinar, tortor purus tincidunt dolor, faucibus vestibulum elit augue eget nunc. Suspendisse pretium dignissim lorem. Ut ac lorem in turpis feugiat varius. Morbi eget dolor eget ante porttitor fringilla. Praesent ligula. Nam pharetra ligula sed ante facilisis posuere. Praesent quis orci. Suspendisse placerat eros nec nisl. Etiam id velit.