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Trick Training – Crawl

Ruffdogs (http://www.ruffdogs.co.uk/) have a “Trick of the Month” where a challenge is set and everyone can give it a go and swap training advice etc. This month it’s “crawl”; getting the dogs to crawl on their bellies commando-style. Kim can do this independently but it’s not something I’ve worked on with Dylan before, so we’ve given it a go!

Helen asked for a video so I obliged! Here is Dylan learning to crawl on the golf course. This is only the second time we’ve really done this, and on grass rather than carpet. We did a couple more after this and he was working a bit more independently but then we were bombarded with golf balls and had to make a quick exit!

http://www.undermybed.co.uk/images/dylcrawl.wmv (should open in Windows Media Player or equivalent).

And just because I’ve been wanting to practise going straight from “beg” into “down”, we also did a bit of that before we started. For some reason the sound cuts out mid-way, I don’t know why. All you can hear is Dyl barking anyway!


Finally, here’s what happened when I turned my back to adjust the camera. I took the sound off this one because I whistled right next to the microphone – hence why Dyl sat up so abruptly!


He’s such a puppy sometimes. Yesterday he managed to get a stick stuck around his neck somehow and it looked like he had antlers, he was dancing around for ages … now that would have been a good video!