Tag: Tricks
A Short Update and on to Other Things
The dogs are all cough free and have been since Friday morning. Our vet had a long discussion with us this morning and he is of the very strong opinion that a dog is no more or less contagious in 7 days than they will be tomorrow, and that he can see no medical reason…
Kennel Cough continued
Ok, I’ve lost track of the days now. It feels like it’s been forever! The dogs are going stir crazy as it’s nearly impossible to take them for long walks where we won’t bump into anyone. They’ve been going out at about 9:30 to try and avoid other dogs but it’s very hard! I’ll cautiously…
Trick Training with Props!
We have some new toys! Ex-sports equipment is a lot of fun for me and the hounds. Both are foam-padded with a tough outer, and have been acquistioned from the old storeroom. They weren’t being used to their full potential! Kim has been learning to walk backwards up the stairs, which has taken her longer…
Trick Training – Crawl
Ruffdogs (http://www.ruffdogs.co.uk/) have a “Trick of the Month” where a challenge is set and everyone can give it a go and swap training advice etc. This month it’s “crawl”; getting the dogs to crawl on their bellies commando-style. Kim can do this independently but it’s not something I’ve worked on with Dylan before, so we’ve…
Trick Training
Not much to say today, so I’ve also included the photo of Mollie doing her over-the-horizon look. As with all the photos on the blog, click for a bigger version. Dylan has been doing his bits of boxwork, it’s going reasonably well. We work for about 10 minutes a day, and then of course Kim…
Dylan's Blog
We haven’t really been working on anything new this month, just improving what we already have. Lefts and rights are nailed, and target training is going really well. Plus all the basic obedience seems to have kicked off – finally! – too. His heelwork is getting nice, presents and finishes are good, and his stays…