Dylan officially has the all-clear, as of yesterday, and so I’m looking forward to Tailwaggers tomorrow!
It looks like the Novice Plus classes are going to be quite competitive, they’re double the size of last years so I’m just hoping to get Dylan around the courses with the same enthusiasm he’s been showing lately. I’m not too worried about him as he’s being doing Novice Plus courses for a while, the only difference now is that hs points will count towards the Graduate League tables instead of Novice. When we start doing Graduate Plus courses, then I’ll get worried!
Jet is still in Primary so should have a blast! I’m out to win with Jet, on Katie’s instructions. Jet has already won two Primary classes (one Jumping, one Agility) but because everything is “reset” after the end of the season, her wins don’t count towards progression anymore, so we need to start from scratch.
This is something that I hate about BAA. I actually do despise this rule, it really irritates me! I can understand points being reset for the new season but I think dog’s should be able to keep their wins. The reason I was given for this rule is that it should be perfectly possible for a good dog to get 2 agility or 2 jumping wins at one show if they can’t do enough shows (!). I understand that the points system is trying to encourage “loyalty” to BAA shows, but it really annoys me that because someone can only afford or find time for 1-2 shows a year, they miss out on feeling that they’ve achieved something. I would very much like to put forward a proposal to change this rule, but the BAA is not run by a committee and has no official procedure for proposing rule changes, or any way of members voting on rule changes anyway … which is leading me on to a whole other topic altogether.
End of rant, see happy face.