Dylan,  Kim,  Mollie,  Photos



Originally uploaded by kayanem

Lots of frisbee recently, it’s taken over as the exercise toy. None of my dogs can actually catch it though. I can’t really throw it though either, so it all works out.

Two walks today, once to play frisbee on the playing fields, the second to just walk around Blackmoorfoot. Felt it was only fair as Sister and I played tennis yesterday instead of giving them their usual extra Thursday walk.
Lots of photos of the interactions between the dogs; my good friend Cat at Dog Radical has some seminars on canine body language and calming signals planned for the winter. She’s still looking for some photos to illustrate a few of her slides, so I’m trying to oblige. Cat has been incredible with helping me work through some of Dylan’s fear issues, and in return Dylan is helping by being a case study.

One day I will post and elaborate on Dylan’s anxiety, but it’s a very complex behaviour and not one I am at all confident writing about. splash2I’m always happy to blog and theorise on our agility and flyball weaknesses but if I get it wrong, I’m not affecting anyone but ourselves. Theorising on dog behaviour doesn’t help Dylan or I at all, and it doesn’t help anyone else either. So I’ll save it for the day when I feel like I know enough. Can’t know everything, but I can know more.

Incidentally, I am working very hard to get Cat down to Huddersfield to run one of her Organic Dogs seminars in early 2012. If you think you might be interested, please email either myself or Cat for more details.