Agility,  Dylan,  Kim,  Mollie,  Training

Contact Training

Had another fun session with Dylan on the mini dogwalk today, I’m really pleased with how he’s working. No creeping or stuttering, just driving forward to his 2o2o and then away on the release. Super confident and fast, exactly what I want to see. No self-releases today either! We did work on some quick releases which went well. We’ve been working on proofing the release word as sometimes Dylan does get a bit sticky on the contacts, but he did nicely today.

He’s still working better with me in front or at the side, but his forward drive is improving whilst I’m still behind. We still need to transfer all this onto a proper full sized dogwalk but I’m feeling more confident about it now.

I used the cone that he has mangled as his toy today, which also went down well. I know I shouldn’t encourage him but he’s already destroyed it, and they’ve only a couple of £’s each.

I did a little bit with Kim, just working out the best way to get that running contact from her. If I’m in front she jumps without fail, but she’s always been a chaser on course. If I’m behind she never jumps, perfect running contact hit with all four paws. Unfortunately I know that if I’m too far behind she’ll stop and wait for me, so I’m going to have to work on getting the timing right. If we can get it right she’ll have a smooth and fast dogwalk, which has so far eluded us in her agility career!

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