Dylan,  Kim,  Mollie

Further Snow Posts

Snowy landscape

Dylan looks gorgeousWe had even more snow overnight. The opportunites for good snow photos come along so rarely, we had to take the opportunity.

Dylan looks brooding and gorgeous. This look was spoiled when he fell off the wall 2 seconds later.

We have about a foot of snow on the golf course fairway, and about 6″ under the trees and in the woods. Mollie showed off her golfball hunting skills by finding one in a snow drift and one up a tree (no, really, about 6ft up a tree). I have no idea how she does it, do golfballs really smell so strongly?

We were out for about 2 hours and Kim loved it, she is a proper little snow dog. Unfortunately she is also a bit too small for snow this deep, it reaches the top of her legs and so she has to bounce everywhere. She walked the last quarter mile with us as she was so tired, poor puppy.

Dylan leaps through the snow Kim is gorgeous Mollie

Since the sun was out I tried to take some “serious” landscape shots too, they didn’t all work out but my little point-and-shoot camera didn’t do too bad.

Path to the lake Dylan in the woods Path out of the woods