Dylan,  Jet,  Kim,  Mollie

Girls vs. Girls

Dylan has a super cute quirk of resting his head on things. His head is the perfect height for resting on people’s laps, so he does that all the time, and looks up at you with big sad puppy eyes. This usually means he wants a cuddle. However, he also rests his head on other things, like a chair, or a bag, or a stair, and he doesn’t want anything from it. It’s just that the object is there, and damn, his head is just too heavy for his neck to carry around all the time.

Kim & MollieKim has clearly been observing this behaviour, because she tried it today. She really wanted some cereal, and tried all her other super cute tricks to get some, and eventually rested her tiny little head on my lap with the big pitiful eyes. She’s never ever done this before, but I’m ashamed to say it worked, and she got a few dry cornflakes. It was just too cute, even though I’m fully aware she’s a manipulative little bugger.

She’s also a complete grass. Mollie had somehow found a tennis ball in the kitchen this morning, and we were in the lounge. The dogs were shut in the kitchen to dry off, and Kim just spent the whole time kicking up a fuss. Eventually I got up to see what was wrong, and she ran straight over to Mollie (who was chewing away, blissfully unaware), and gave me a look which quite plainly indicated that this was Breaking The Rules.

Ball confiscated, Kim smug, Mollie sulks. Kim and Mollie do not have a happy and loving relationship; it’s a game of one-upmanship, which I have to say Kim almost always wins. Kim is the beautiful but evil witch queen, who has all sorts of subtle little traps laid, whereas Mollie is a little soldier, with a smile, a sunny disposition, and a killer body slam. It’s constant warfare in our house.

I have to admit though, this is why I like girl dogs better than boy dogs. Dylan is smart, occasionally manipulative or sly, but he doesn’t have the forethought for strategy that the girls do. I love working with that. Plus, y’know, bitches are bitchy and sassy and just generally awesome.

NB: <a href=”http://susangarrettdogagility.com/”>Susan Garrett</a> posted on this topic (boys vs. girls) and it’s generated loads of blog responses on a similar theme. How can I resist jumping on the bandwagon?