Dylan,  Flyball,  Kim,  Mollie,  Training

Late Post: Flyball

The gang did well at flyball this week. Kim did 6 runbacks, just over 12″, to ease her gently back into things. She’s back on non-lead walks, except for the first 15minutes where everyone goes absolutely loopy and they chase each other around at top speed. Kim has to be restrained to avoid that, and is not happy about it.

Mollie got a really great session down, she worked over 14″ for most of the session, dropping to 12″ at the end. Fingers crossed she gets lots of lead slots over the next few tournaments, she runs so well in front and I think she’s fit enough to handle it at the moment.

Dylan’s box needs work. It’s something like a three footed turn at the moment, which I am not happy about. Not only that, but because he isn’t getting his back end around tightly enough, he’s pushing off from way too low down which is pushing him wide off the turn. When he gets it right, he flips around neatly and it makes a noticable difference to his speed (of course!). He actually ran much better in training than he did at Drax last week, nowhere near as wide from the box and had one or two really nice turns.

On the other hand, he is looking super fit and fast over 14″, which is excellent since we don’t have a height dog right now!

Unfortunately we don’t have any tournaments for a while, we’re missing the next two because of Redcar (Northern Festival of Agility). Still, that gives us plenty of time to work on Dylan’s box turn!