Flyball,  Photos,  Training


The gang had a good morning flyballing … in the rain. Where has my nice summer weather gone?!

Dylan was all over the place with his training. He ran terribly in the first session, really slow and bad bad box, but he ran much better in the second session. We did have two lanes up though, but Dylan wasn’t running against anyone, and I wonder if he thought he got a free pass to be lazy. Must work on that … Kim was grumpily playing stooge dog for Biba all morning, and Mollie only got one session as she came up slightly sore mid-way through.

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Two of my friend’s lost their dogs in this past week; both to different cancers, and both way too young. I want to tell them both they I’m thinking of them and their dogs, but find it difficult to think of anything good enough to say. What can you say? I can only hope that they know my feeble “I’m sorry”’s are heartfelt, although insufficient.

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For Moss (2005-2010) and Mishka (2003-2010).