Dylan,  Flyball,  Kim,  Mollie

Gap Farm November

Mollie was running in the second team. I was boxloading so have no idea what their fastest time was, I think something like 21.35? They all ran well; Mollie always loves running with her mini partner-in-crime Bailey, but the team was something of a last-minute jumble compared to the originally planned line-up. Really good racing for them though, especially against Monsters!

Dylan was always slated to run with the first team for this competition, but Kim got bumped up to join them at the last minute. I ran Dylan and my lovely mother took over running Kim for the day, because Kim doesn’t actually care who she runs with and my mum has the supernatural ability to change into any dog with any dog regardless of how much practise she’s had.

I think our fastest time was 19.29, or something like, which wasn’t too shabby all things considered! I was really pleased with Dylan, he didn’t stutter at all and ran into Norah with only a slight head-dip to say he wasn’t entirely comfortable being so close to such a hairy-scary girl. I honestly think having Kim on the team was such a confidence boost for him!

I also got my first ever 0.00 on the lights (out of 2 attempts, score!) and Dylan clocked a 4.95 on that run, which still isn’t perfect but is at least going in the right direction.