Dylan,  Flyball,  Kim


Flyball training last night went well, we do a bit less on Wednesdays and just focus on running the dogs together as a team.

We have Dylan and Kim in the same team this weekend again. Mum has been running Kim and I’ve been running Dyl up until now because Dylan wouldn’t run for anyone else. However, mum could not get her change into Jet last night so in a moment of frustration I grabbed Kim and handed over Dylan. Running Kim is as easy as breathing and we nailed our change into Jet, and mum was perfect on Dyl’s change into Kim, first time round.

So, we’re switching this weekend and we’ll see how it goes. Dylan has always run really well for mum and we’ve toyed with the idea before but never gone through with it in tournaments. If Dyl runs faster for mum then … well, I’ll be very annoyed but it’ll all be down to my wonderful training so I guess we’ll stick with it. Kim and I are always awesome.