Dylan,  Kim,  Mollie,  Photos


GirlsThis is the first time we’ve walked Langsett. We’ll be back again, I now understand why it’s so popular!

We walked the three mile route as we didn’t know the area at all and didn’t want to get lost. The map in the car park said it would take 2hrs and we were a little concerned that it would be very hilly from that kind of estimate, but it really wasn’t and we walked it in an easy hour with a couple of five minute breaks. Think we’ll go the long way round the resevoir next time!

The dogs enjoyed themselves; Kim spent most of the time crashing through the undergrowth chasing rabbits and squirrels, and the collies spent most of the time on the path or in the muddiest puddles they could find. Wood

We met quite a few people and not many dogs, but we passed everyone by without a problem (except for a small scared Spaniel who did bark frenetically until we’d passed, but everyone ignored him). Mollie did manage to terrify a small child about ten minutes in, thankfully with sensible parents. The little girl put her hands together, palms outwards, in a greeting pose as Mollie was walking past. Mol loves children, and so on seeing this she walked over very gently, slowly wagging tail and her friendly face on and touched her nose into the little girl’s hands. I don’t know if she maybe licked her, or if the girl just didn’t like the feel of Mol’s nose, but the little girl shrieked like a banshee and burst into tears accompanied by proper screams. Mollie immediately moved away and got a cuddle from the girl’s father instead, which reassured the other little boy and left me happy as well. I kind of wish we’d been able to stop and let the little girl meet Mollie again, but I wasn’t brave enough to suggest it and Kim and Dylan were keen to move on as they don’t like children (too unpredicatable, like puppies!)

Bench IThere were poems carved into the tops of the benches all the way around; I didn’t get photos of all of them but I bet they’re out on the internet somewhere!


  • Leanne

    He was *awesome*, he was super blase about the whole thing and totally ignored SadSpaniel. Poor Spaniel was terrified though, it was like watching a reflection of Dylan but … worse. 🙁