Flyball,  Kim

The great Vetrap hunt

Kim wears wraps on her hind legs for flyball. This is illustrated by the the photo on the right, although she was wearing borrowed wraps at Sutton Fields (cheers Katie!). The photo is also an awesome example of Kim’s box turn, which is irrelevant but cool. She wears wraps because she has a tendency to skip on the runbacks and graze the backs of her legs. She also wears leather pad protectors when we run on rubber matting, but that is also irrelevant but useful to know.

I’m really fussy about her wraps. About three years ago I bought the perfect roll and I made it last for ages. It has now sadly run out, and the hunt for the replacement is on. The new roll has to be exactly the same as the old one, ie. It has to be the right colour (turquoise-y green to match her harness and lead) and it has to be the small version (the 4″ or 6″x5yd rolls are too long for her little legs, she needs the 2″x5yd rolls). I’m so fussy about her wraps I’m getting a reputation for being a fussy-wraps person.

I began to think that Vetrap don’t make a 2″x5″ turquoise-y green roll. Except then I found it! (Although I don’t really want a box of 18 if I can help it). The colour is Teal, apparently, which is possibly why it took me so long. Months, days, an hour today …

So now I’m on the hunt for somewhere cheap to buy it. Although Vetrap is the original, I actually like the Co-Flex colour better (as seen in the link!) and I think this is what I originally had. So, any recommendations on where to buy this stuff?!