• Dylan,  Flyball,  Kim,  Mollie

    Doncaster Flyball

    This tournament was a bit of a upside/downside; our dogs all ran really well, but it was almost embarrassing how unfit they are! Kim and Mollie’s team went from running 20.86 in their third leg race (um, seeded on 21.60,…

  • Kim,  Mollie

    Traumatic Afternoon Part 2

    Mollie’s lip was worse than we initially thought. It’s probably a good job she’s not flyballing this weekend as we would have had to pull her now anyway, there’s no way she could have caught a ball with stitches down…

  • Kim,  Mollie

    Traumatic Afternoon

    I was playing with the dogs this afternoon, and had a vague idea of getting some new photos of them for the website. I got a dozen snaps or so and then I was just throwing their toy for them…