
  • Dylan,  Kim,  Rio,  Training,  Walk

    Remembering to Breathe

    Today’s walk did not start out well. I took Dylan, Kim and Rio and stocked up on 1000 treats to reward Rio’s recall. We walked for 20minutes and Rio was appalling, barely recalling 50% of the time and haring off…

  • Health,  Mollie,  Rio,  Training,  Walk

    Round and Round

    Mollie’s injury is a multiple-options kind of injury, so we’re in a wait-and-see situation right now. She has a thumbnail-sized lump in her quad, which could be a) a bruise from running into something like a stick, b) scar tissue…

  • Kim,  Photos,  Rio,  Training,  Walk

    21 Weeks

    I have been trying to get Rio to some busier places this week, hence our park trips and village walks. It’s a bit difficult as due to our walking locations, social night-time walks feel too uncomfortably unsafe (even if they’re…

  • Dylan,  Kim,  Mollie,  Photos,  Walk

    Early Mornings in November

    I think the big dogs are enjoying their Rio-free walks. They get to enjoy them for a while longer yet, as even when she’s allowed out, she’ll be heading out on much shorter walks until she’s grown a bit more.…

  • Dylan,  Kim,  Walk

    Indian Summer

    The warm weather has been so lovely, we even managed to get some more swimming done before winter! As an aside, this was the only photo where Dylan’s expression wasn’t screaming “SHARKS! SHARKS EVERYWHERE! SHARKS BEHIND ME!”, which is why…

  • Dylan,  Kim,  Mollie,  Photos,  Walk

    Cannon Hall

    Trip to Cannon Hall was in order. I wanted to go in the Maize Maze, because I’m actually 8, but we didn’t have time. Also, my dogs hate me. Well, maybe not. But looking at their group portrait shots, you…

  • Photos,  Walk

    Blue Moons

    It’s New Years Eve, I’m not going out for another hour and the dogs are just back from their walk. Not sure how to describe this year just past. Lots of changes, some terrible and some very good. 2009 ends…

  • Agility,  Dylan,  Health,  Kim,  Walk


    It’s starting to feel like spring has really sprung around here. The weather is lovely, and everything is turning green again. The dogs spend all day in the garden, which apparently is much harder work than spending all day in…