Dylan,  Flyball,  Videos

Dylan's Blog – Flyball

Dylan had another great flyballing session last night!

Click here to download a very short clip of Dylan learning to Flyball. This is only his third flyballing session so I’m really pleased with him. He’s running back as fast as he’s running up, and that’s without any momentum coming off the box (as we aren’t using it yet).

We put most of the netting up because we had both lanes up and wanted to see if Dylan and Chip would run whilst other dogs were working. This was the bit I was most worried about, I have to admit! But they both did really well. Dylan was running against a dog called Josh who ran out and chased him down, but my boy ran back up the lane again when I asked him to so no harm done, apparently!

We’re going to start doing boxwork with them both from now on. I can’t wait!