• Agility,  Dylan

    Empingham 2013

    Rio is getting her own post about this show later! Dylan’s chiro treatment last week seems to have worked, because he was back to ‘normal’ this time! We weren’t particularly successful in terms of results, but he was working much…

  • Agility,  Dylan,  Rio,  Training

    Demolitian Derby

    Rio was utterly wild at training this week. Since we have a lot of people on holiday at the moment, our final session was very quiet, so I brought Rio and Dylan down to the arena at the same time.…

  • Daisy,  Dylan,  Flyball,  Rio

    Melting Hot

    There were times when I didn’t think I’d ever say this, but it is nice to be back to flyball! Dylan and Rio have done their first power jumping session at our new venue, and both looked good! I wasn’t…

  • Agility,  Dylan,  Rio

    UKA Dig It July 2013 – Rio's debut!

    Baby dog is all grown up! Actually, she’s very much not, which is why I’m taking things so slowly. Rio is an absolute puppy still! I am very happy with how she did in her classes. She held her wait,…

  • Dylan,  Kim,  Rio

    Beach Trip

    This is actually from a few weeks ago, oops! Before we got Daisy, we decided to take advantage of the good weather and take Rio on her first beach trip, ostensibly to teach her to swim. Hunmanby’s always good for…

  • Daisy,  Training

    Small Dog is Small

    Daisy is settling in well. She is very much like an 8 week old puppy in some ways, rather than 8 month. There is so much she has never learnt, even very simple things like walking on a lead. She…

  • Agility,  Dylan

    A Lune Valley Summer Sunday

    My last show with just one dog to run, at least for a while! We only had one clear round, in the second G6-7 Jumping. No idea what our time was or if we got placed, it was still running…

  • Agility,  Rio,  Training

    Timely Thoughts

    Denise Fenzi has a timely article up on motivators and motivation, which has left me thoughtful. This is a somewhat tangential post. Rio worked well for treats at our extra session at the arena this week, but she wasn’t fully…

  • Agility,  Dylan,  Rio

    Big Steps

    Big steps in both directions with Ri this week at training. Backwards and forwards we go! Firstly, her tug drive has really diminished. It has been frustrating since she has always had tons of tug drive, but after her season…

  • Daisy

    Hello Daisy

    We have officially added one to our terrier quota. Daisy is my lovely mother’s new dog. She’s from Hope Rescue and is 8 months old. She was originally bought as a Christmas present for an 80+ yr old lady, who…