Dylan's Blog,  Flyball,  Kim,  Mollie

Flyball Training

We had a pretty good session this morning, and the weather was fantastic for once!

None of our dogs have flyballed since Sheffield, and Dylan hasn’t done anything since Dec 29th. Unfortunately it really showed today, for our first session all his boxwork just went completely out of the window. He did one nice turn and then decided that he wanted to turn in the opposite direction, and it all just went downhill from there. He pulled it back a bit in the second session and was turning the right way again, but it still needs a lot of work. I now have one of the boxes at home in our conservatory to practise with this week, which means I probably won’t get as much agility done.

We did have some positives – he was running second into Amber and neither of them were at all bothered by doing close changes, which was great! We just have to work on bringing Chip in closer after Dylan, but we have a couple of weeks yet.

Kim and Mollie ran really well, although Mollie’s a bit stiff now we’re home and dry. She hasn’t done 13″ jumps for a while, but we know she needs to build up her stamina. It was also nice to practise running Kim into Mollie too, it’s not a combination we use very often but now Mollie is running more with Barking Owlers it’s more likely to crop up. We have a long break from tournaments until Carlton Towers, but it’s good to get some proper practice in!