Tag: flyball turn
Flyball Homework
Rio’s hits on the box are looking good and she’s ready to move on to turning with a ball in the box (untriggered). Unfortunately she can’t seem to get put the turn and the ball retrieve together. Box = Turn, in Rio’s mind! I seem to have taken a mildly ball obsessed Rio and turned…
Training x2
Agility = good! Dyl’s seesaw is looking great after our confidence building sessions. I’ve lost the stop on the end but I don’t really care, Dylan isn’t brave enough to fly it and it’s faster. If we need it back later we can work on it, I’m sure. I also worked on 180 pull-thrus, because…
Gentle introduction back to Wednesday night flyball training this week, Kim did five minutes of teacher-dog work with the starters and then Dylan did five minutes of boxwork. He is getting better and he is trying very hard, and hopefully if we can secure an upright/flat fronted box in the next few months we can…
Rocket Relay Seminar
I haven’t updated the blog for a while and it’s not because I have too little to say! I’ve had a very busy couple of weeks with and without the dogs, including the Rocket Relay seminar last weekend (organised by Katie and Kristian from http://www.flyballfever.co.uk/). I don’t think I’ve learnt so much from one weekend…
Gap Farm February 11
Excellent flyballing, some very good racing. Dylan was on brilliant form, the specialised training we’ve been doing recently has been hugely and noticably beneficial for him and a few of the other dogs. It was very cool to see real results so quickly! His boxturn wasn’t brilliant, he is coming away much sharper now rather…
Training in the Rain
The dogs and I had a fun session yesterday evening training in the rain! “Proper” training was cancelled so we lugged two jumps and the flyball box (and hurdle) to the park for a bit of an inpromptu training session with all three dogs. I think it’s good for the dogs to train in wet…
My dogs are Melting
It’s really very hot here right now. I hope it cools down a bit for the weekend, but the BBC are cheerfully informing us of all the nice sunny weather we have to look forward to. Really not great for Mollie! The weather seems to have induced all the dogs to blow their coats, so…
Sodding Dog!
Well, after all my frustration with Dylan earlier this week, the bloody dog turns out to be a genius! Ok, that might be a bit of an exaggeration. But it’s amazing how a good training session can turn everything around again. We finally got around to doing a bit more boxwork this week, and I…
Swimmers Turn and a Lack of Enthusiasm
I thought Dylan might actually be tired today, considering how completely nutty he was at training yesterday, but apparently not. Even more surprising, Kim also was not tired at all, and was throwing toys at my head last night whilst I was trying to sleep. Apparently my dogs are a lot fitter than I am!…
Flyball Training
We had a pretty good session this morning, and the weather was fantastic for once! None of our dogs have flyballed since Sheffield, and Dylan hasn’t done anything since Dec 29th. Unfortunately it really showed today, for our first session all his boxwork just went completely out of the window. He did one nice turn…