Tag: beach

  • Beach Trip

    This is actually from a few weeks ago, oops! Before we got Daisy, we decided to take advantage of the good weather and take Rio on her first beach trip, ostensibly to teach her to swim. Hunmanby’s always good for dogs and the water is safe to swim in, so off we trekked. Things I…

  • Bispham

    Our plan was to try and get to a beach sometime this bank holiday. It’s always a bit of a hassle; so few dog friendly beaches at this time of year, especially within 2 hours of us. We live pretty much in the centre of the country, it’s about the same distance to the East…

  • Redcar Flyball

    The girls ran well, we broke our seed time again and clocked a 20.15 in the afternoon. Mollie was slightly off her normal form, I think Saturday took her edge away. She gets so excited and then exhausts herself by getting all wound up and silly when she’s not running. She and Kim still ran…

  • Northern Festival of Agility: Part Two

    [singlepic id=158 w=320 h=240 float=center] Beach. The beach at Redcar is gorgeous, all endless miles of sand and sea. Dylan and I spent a couple of hours there by ourselves earlier in the week, but the girls arrived on Thursday and Dylan was ridiculously excited to see them again so we spent all afternoon there.…

  • Blue Moons

    It’s New Years Eve, I’m not going out for another hour and the dogs are just back from their walk. Not sure how to describe this year just past. Lots of changes, some terrible and some very good. 2009 ends and 2010 starts on a blue moon. It seems as good a thing as any…

  • Hunmanby Gap

    Jane and Andrea have been telling us to visit this beach for months, and we finally got around to it last week. It was really cold, but the dogs loved it. Kim loved chasing the birds, Mollie lovedchasing Kim, and Dylan loved herding all of us into the sea. Beaches are a rare trip in…